LeadersDuringCrisis: How to keep your team motivated during a crisis? Part One!

Your team has very well adjusted with the new normal. The offices have closed and work from home has become the norm. They are doing their best at helping your organisation or company thrive and survive during the pandemic. But the crisis is grave and we all know it. You being a leader know what the future holds is a prolonged version of what we are hoping to end. This brings you to your responsibility of maintaining their morale. 


Your team needs you now more than ever. Here is part one of tips for leaders to help their team stay motivated:


  1. Your voice and your presence matters


Employees look up to their leaders at every obstacle and crisis. The Coronavirus outbreak has brought the world to its knees. This situation is very risky when it comes to the mental and physical well being of your team members.


Connecting with them 1:1 and keeping check of their personal and professional work load will provide for the required skeleton of bearing with the new world. So many responsibilities of family, work, children, income all together under the same roof is outrageous. But you are their leader and with your presence they will stay motivated and manage both heroically.


  1. They expect you to be a little flexible 


It is totally imaginable that you are shouldering the responsibility of an organisation. However, your team expects you to understand their struggles while working from home. We all are overshadowed all the time by our family (infant, young, college-age) and the on-spot day to day issues of home. 


It will be a very good thing to keep the targets at place yet understand if there's a situation like an internet connection drop, some urgent work and likewise. To keep the humour alive, you can even share your struggles or memes that define day to day struggles of wfh/work from home.


  1. Let them take charge- Keep up the morale!


It is extremely important to have a morale boost at the times of unprecedented crisis like this. This is a situation where we seem to have lost the basic control of running the show. Give them a thick shot of confidence by organising an online achiever’s summit just for your team. Hand over some shopping coupons.


Helping your staffers in crisis with supplies and essentials will also give the leader in you a savior side. You may send them flowers or cakes on the occasion of birthdays or any special event. 


We will come up with more tips for you. Until then, please subscribe to our blog for updates directly to your inbox. 


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